This can only be fixed by TV properly signing thier TVMonitor.sys driver file, like they do the rest of the drivers, executables, and DLLs, with their own new code signing for the tip, however this is an extremely dirty workaround you, well, in the first place, just don't want to risk attempting after you paid for a license for it, and secondly, you cannot do it at all with a remote machine you want to remote matter here is purely not resolving an issue only can resolve by getting their driver signed, after almost an year now, and knowingly even making its use a premium feature while knowingly not having resolved it. This driver file for some reason was left out and not resigned with the new certificate. There is an updated "TeamViewer GmbH" code signing certificate that is already being used to sign the rest of the drivers, DLLs, and executables. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. That is why in device manager, the device says "Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. If you look at the properties of that file, then the Digitial Signature Details, then click View Certificate of the signer, and you will see that it is code signed by "TeamViewer GmbH" who's certificate expired.

The TV Monitor Driver needed for Black Screen the is this file - c:\windows\system32\drivers\TVMonitor.sys. Sign the TV Monitor Driver file with a valid code signing certificate. There is a solution that requires action by TeamViewer.