One protagonist is middle-aged and begins the game as a recently retired criminal another is unpredictable, cruel, and dependent on drugs and the third is a young man just beginning his life of crime. The story mode puts players in the shoes of a trio of criminals in Los Santos, a fictionalized version of Los Angeles. Originally launched in 2013, Rockstar Games' decidedly adult-oriented GRAND THEFT AUTO V has been remastered for newer consoles, including PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Few games are more clearly targeted to an adult audience. There's some diversity within the cast, including people of varying skin colors, backgrounds, and sexual orientation, but virtually no characters here could be considered appropriate role models. Online modes allow players to create their own avatar and embark on a criminal career that includes armed robberies, corruption, and murder.

All of the main characters are criminals who think of themselves first and others rarely at all. Players also have the opportunity to make characters use marijuana and drink alcohol, both of which impact their perception of the world.

Women are frequently depicted as sexual objects, with a strip club mini-game allowing players to fondle dancers' bodies, which are nude from the waist up. Playing as hardened criminals, players kill not only fellow gangsters but also police officers and innocent civilians using both weapons and vehicles while conducting premeditated crimes, including a particularly disturbing scene involving torture. It brims with gang violence, nudity, extremely coarse language, and drug and alcohol abuse. Parents need to know that Grand Theft Auto V is an adult action game for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Windows platforms.